I decided I needed to be better at making vector art. I know that Image Trace exists, but having a grasp on the functionality of all of the Illustrator tools is important so I'm spending some time doing that. Here is a girl.


Whenever I'm stuck freezing in a big snow storm my mind wonders to the very place I happen to be sat and how different it was some time in the distant past. Most of Illinois was a wetland of ginkgoes, horsetails, huge cycads and fern trees along the coast of the Western Interior Seaway (Niobraran Sea). I imagine 153 million years ago, in the Late Jurassic, on this very day, a little Ornitholestes might have been sneaking around looking for small mammals, reptiles and eggs to snack on right where I am now. His day was probably better than mine...


It's not advisable to be trespassing around the city in these dangerously cold temperatures, we all know this. But, if you are going to put yourself and others at risk, I made a list of things to keep in mind:

1. Fashion. If archeologist thaw your carcass out of an ice-block in a few thousand years you don't want to be looking drab and boring.

2. Pets. If you're freezing, they're freezing. A nice insulated tube-coat for your pet snake is a must. Try NorthHiss or Slitherton Tube-coat Factory.

3. Snacks. A few power bars and a dead mouse will go a long way in a pinch.

4. Don't. Try just not doing things. I'm willing to bet there is a really nice blanket on your couch right now just waiting for you. (Snakes love a good snuggle too, you know).

That's all. I'm working on Ep. II of Jay & Sagan wsg. YouTube!


Last week I saw some birds in the gas station parking lot having a meeting. One in particular was definitely the key-note speaker.


New Coma EP, more illustration/animation work, finishing a few book related projects, not sucking at Ableton, running. Also, soooo much fun reading/learnings in Earth history geology, paleontology, and biology. And, of course... cats with Kendra


Haven't been drawing for fun much lately, I'm going to try and sneak back into it. I have been doing some test concept-art stuff for a few books and these little backgrounds are helping me refine the vision.


Here's a little broccoli ad I did for that travel mag that had the Dress Nicole paper-doll page.


Stressful days need some levity and cheer. I'm going to post some drawings today in case any of you need a few smiles. Stay positive team.

- Sure the pond had it's jocks and stoners, it's lily-pad-mall-girls and face painted Frogallos, but it was the theatre club that really set it apart from the other lagoons and estuaries in the region.


The very talented Brock and Kendra made an amazing book for Nicole's birthday. It was a little travel magazine for their European trip. I added some silly ads, a funnies page, and the usual Jay-type stuff like that. I also did this little paper doll page.


It was late on a Friday afternoon and Mummy Wrappers Inc had been wrapping an endless succession of bodies all damn week. There were like 2 left before everyone was meeting down at the 'Debonair Sphinx Club' and word was out that a few of the Anubises were going to be there barking stories and looking in one direction profile for a long time. They were probably like, "Girls, let's just get this last one done quick and get our weekend started?"

I wouldn't blame them.


This one started as another spooky-Halloweenie terrifying drawing like I've posted all month. But by the time I went to 'save' I just called it 'SusCat_SusRat_1' (implying there may be more Sus[creature] in the future I guess? Anyway, they both seem a little tired with the fighting and the biting and flipping and tossing around. They both feel like they'd rather just put on 'The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown' TV special and share some tuna steaks.


This is the time of year where getting home after being out all day is so pleasing. Warm up some soup, pop off your head...


I've always thought about how much agency a specter would have over their situation and motor operations...

Think of all the underwater ghosts there is going to be in Florida and other coastal cites/towns in a 100 years... hmmm...


(In pompous British accent): "One... two... *CRUNCH*... three..."