"Ah now summertime's here babe

Need somethin' to keep you cool...

You better look out now

'Cause I got somethin' for you"

- Cicada Lee Roth


Yesterday's post took place a 1000 years after a nuclear war wiped out humanity. I felt like I needed to talk about the Land Snerp a little bit more after thinking about him last night and this morning. So, here is a little poem about the wasteland inhabitants that took over after the fall of mankind.


What do you guys think a Land-Snerp is? I've made a few guesses:

A. Post-apocalyptic possum descendent

B. Some sort of mole-musk-rat adjacent creature or offshoot

C. Mutant sub-species of irradiated human toddlers that never actually grow into adults and spend their days wondering the wastelands in search of old LEGOS and cooking pots to wear as hats.

(You're thinking: All that and he didn't even mention the lab mice undergoing rapid intelligence and industrialization? Crazy).


Being gruesomely hideous can sometimes be freeing and all; but Carlos still enjoyed putting his suit on and asking if Shannon and Mizty wanted to head down the cemetery for a midnight snack and a moonlit dance.


What kind of kid were you compared to your memory of what kind of kid you were? I think I was much more shy than I would like to remember. I never played sports so I think I played LEGOs, dinosaurs, and plastic army men for longer than average. I think I remember myself being cooler than I was too. Especially after I started playing drums...


All of my drawings have a backstory, at least in my mind. That is how I create. A little story pops up, and various characters then inhabit that scene. I have no idea why this butterfly is in such a sour mood. I thought about it for a while after drawing his little angry face and I just couldn't think of exactly who wronged him. My only guess is that he was living a pleasant life as a caterpillar and had a nice warm cocoon with great WiFi and then he became this beautiful, albeit extremely fragile butterfly. Just out there flapping in the wind, being all "Hey, look how pretty and possibly delicious I look." Something in that transformation rubbed him wrong, and he's not ready to forgive nature or any of its inhabitants for crossing him.


Sir Ramsalot knew that the quest ahead would be full of vicious beasts to slay, iconic titans to thwart, and various ghoulish sages and witches to outwit. Good thing his swift-footed squire Saganboi was at his side. They say that every journey begins with the first step, and they were both thinking that the first step in this particular journey should be toward the Inn for some snacks and warm mead.


I witnessed a road rage incident in front of me on Damen last week.

Lady in fancy car was trying to skip the line, then got caught behind a delivery truck and no one would let her in. She lost her mind honking and trying to cut in and a guy hung out the passenger window of a car in a threating manor waving his arms all around crazy like. That seemed to calm her down and as I passed, I couldn't help but think she appeared to be a very angry catfish. Huge angry eyes and pursed lips, cowering in both fear and rage.

Anyway, it's nice out today, enjoy it.


I think Sagan and I would be okay the irradiated wastelands of the Fallout universe. His friendly yet fierce disposition would allow us to befriend some ghouls for protection. We named this feral ghoul Copernicus.


He knew some of the crimes he was commitin' were against the law, but he was Johnny Blades and crimes weren't gunna commit themselves...


You all have any names in mind for some of these guys?

Leaponardo DiCaprio

Molly Pondwald

Toad Diesel
