… and then he said “If you want to see a really sad movie, watch The Whale… I cried”. Without even thinking, a million whale thoughts ran through my head. Their majestic and gentle nature, the sound they make when talking to each other across the vast ocean, the iconic breach that morphs into a logo in the Pacific Life Insurance commercials. (I’m so happy that at least some animals can afford health insurance though). Right away I just blurted out: “I can’t, I can’t bare to watch movies with sad situations for animals, I just lose it. No, I don’t care how many awards it won, I’m not watching The Whale. I can only hope that when he’s super lonely and feeling blue, even if he’s a humpback, that his barnacles will keep him company”…
Disclaimer: Although some parts of this story are in fact, grounded in true events, the names, dates, genders, ethnicities, and dietary preferences have been changed to protect the innocent.